Thursday, September 2, 2010



To my neglected readers, I am sorry. I could give any number of excuses as to why I haven’t been to this corner of the internet in months, but it really bothers me when I read on blogs: ‘I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in two days because blah blah blah…’ So screw it, no lame excuses.

Yesterday was the first day of Spring. There is no better time for a change.

With Oh My Blog on 95bFM (a weekly feature where I review my favourite blogs, you can listen to previous Oh My Blogs here) I always say that the best blogs have their own niche. In Ghost Colours has never had a niche.

The new (spring cleaned) In Ghost Colours will now have more of a definite theme. IGC will still include a lot about what I love in relation to fashion, music and literature, but the media side of it will now be a bigger focus.

I often get other people asking me for advice about breaking into the media industry, and to be honest, it’s really not that hard. But maybe I can share some advice and other things I’ve learnt through my own successes and failures on this here blog.

I will interview my peers and mentors and post the transcripts. I will uncover the latest media news. I hope to pass on valuable advice to anyone looking to get into the industry. I will explain some things about the industry that maybe aren’t immediately clear.

I don’t know of any other blog or website in New Zealand that does this (if you do know of one, please let me know, I’m keen to read it).

I hope to provide stimulating content that gets people talking. In Ghost Colours will be, I hope, as informative and eye opening for you, as it will be for me.

I truly appreciate all feedback. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact.

-Ellen F.


Jake said...

Welcome back. You have been missed.

wool and misc said...

apologies bug me too. you been living your LIFE!!!!

happy spring.