Thursday, September 2, 2010

Russh Magazine is looking for interns

Russh May 09 - cover

From the Russh Blog:

"Russh is looking for interns.


The internship is three months in duration and requires being in our Sydney office 2-3 days per week. It’s mainly a fashion role, which is fun, fast-paced and a great insight into the fashion industry.

To apply:

Please submit three past employment experiences - they can be work experience or another internship - along with three people who can vouch for your work ethic. List your five favourite designers; three magazines that inspire you and finally, give us a paragraph on why you think you should be a Russh intern.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Email to:"



Anonymous said...

May I inquire as to when this was posted on the RUSSH blog?
do you have a link to the post


Anonymous said...

May I just add that I think 3 past employment experiences is pretty step. Anyone who has stable employment or who is a stable employee probably won't have 3 especially the type who only at intern stage. I'm only 19, I don't get a new job every year, I have had 3 jobs but the first 2 were so long ago they're barely relevant.